Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Our Etwinning project

Eco-Logical and Trendy, eTwinning

Teachers and students from Poland, Turkey and Spain have taken part in this Project that refers to the issue of the awareness of consumption in society
The students  analysed the contribution of clothes production in the climate change, labour and waste production in the world. 

A number of activities were planned to be implemented: interviews with consumers, clothes shop owners, letter writing to clothes producers, a number of surveys... 

It has been an interdisciplinary project related to various educational fields: economy, ecology, human rights, entrepreneurship

TwinSpace has been used as a common working space to share the findings and the progress of the project.

The main objective of the project was to raise the ecological awareness among students, teachers and international society ( students, families and friends, neighbours and schoolmates) on pollution coming from clothes consumption. 

The driving question that students had to answer was: 
"How can we make people be more aware of shopping for clothes?" 

The goals were reached through the activities performed by partner schools with weekly online meetings, small international group work, and filling the online page

Students have strengthened and improved these key competences:communication in foreign languages, digital competence, entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression competence, citizenship competence.

The partner schools worked in common activities as well as in separate tasks depending on the type of task.

The activities and tasks  were:

1Gathering of Schools for the project.

2. The working meeting online with project leaders.

3. Setting up Twinspace.

4. Working on a survey
Why do you need clothes – students created a survey based on the questions they worked out and publishing the results.

5. The True Cost – watching the documentary.

6. Discussion on the documentary

7. A research – the price of one new t-shirt and a pair of new jeans in brand stores and comparing it to the prices of t-shirts and jeans in second hand shops - publication of the results

8. Videoconferences: advantages and disadvantages of used clothes

9. Preparing the clothes to exchange and publishing the photos of the clothes to exchange

10. Preparing the posters and guidelines... and much more...

The final product is a magazine :
"How to be more aware of shopping for clothes" 

An online market platform was opened, there students were able to exchange their clothes with their mates from partner schools. 
The students could pick up clothes they liked and then the clothes will be sent to them by post. 
Moreover, second-hand t-shirts were used to have the logo and slogan painted on them. 
The group promoted the project in this way.

The project has helped the students broaden their knowledge connected with ecological awareness and financial management

They have improved their language skills as well as digital skills, as well as their organizational skills and specially learnt how to effectively participate in projects. 

They made friends with their peers and learnt about other cultures and traditions

The project:

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